With the return of Season 8 now just over a week away, ABC’s Castle has released a bevy of photos from its next two episodes.
In Episode 9, “Tone Deaf” (airing Feb. 8), when a body is found in the theater of Martha’s latest show, Castle and Beckett’s investigation leads them into the unexpectedly dangerous world of competitive a capella — though as seen in the slideshow below, Alexis tags along as Rick uncovers what looks like an “underground” sing-off a la Pitch Perfect.
Then in a special Sunday outing — “Witness for the Prosecution,” airing Feb. 14, at 10/9c — Castle finally gets his day in court when he takes the stand as the key witness to a murder from five months ago. But when new information suddenly arises, he and Beckett must race against the clock to prevent a miscarriage of justice. Among those photos, Beckett gets up close and fierce with public defender/LokSat stooge Caleb Brown (played by Kristofer Polaha), while One Life to Live alumna Kassie DePaiva, Tuc Watkins and Darlene Vogel also guest-star.