Nathan Fillion Online
Your first and ultimate online resource for talented actor, Nathan Fillion.

It’s official, Nathan will be joining the line-upf or ID10T Music Festival + Comic Conival Saturday June 24th with Alan for the Con Man Series panel.


Alan Tudyk, Chris Hardwick, Nathan Fillion

Moderated by Chris Hardwick.

A decade has passed since Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk) was an actor on the hit (well, cult hit) sci-fi show, Spectrum. Wray’s career has stalled in the vacuum of space while his best friend and former co-star, Jack Moore’s (Nathan Fillion), has hit warp speed. Aided by his truly certifiable convention booker, Bobbie (Mindy Sterling), Wray navigates the sci-fi convention circuit alongside a host of colorful who’s-whos and has-beens. He struggles with the trappings of a stagnant career, the adoration of a rabid fanbase, and an industry that only sees him as a quirky spaceship pilot.

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