Nathan Fillion Online
Your first and ultimate online resource for talented actor, Nathan Fillion.


Throughout the Silver Age, Hal Jordan and Barry Allen were the best of friends. But in the world of Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment’s “Justice League: Throne of Atlantis,” Green Lantern and the Flash are still getting to know each other.

In this exclusive clip from the upcoming animated feature, Green Lantern (Nathan Fillion) and The Flash (Christopher Gorham) scout Atlantis, but Batman (Jason O’Mara) has other plans for them. 

Available on Blu-ray and DVD January 27, 2015, the animated feature also stars Matt Lanter as Aquaman, Sam Witwer as Orm, Jason O’Mara (Terra Nova, Vegas, Life on Mars) as Batman, Christopher Gorham, Shemar Moore as Cyborg, Rosario Dawson as Wonder Woman, Jerry O’Connell as Superman, Sean Astin as Shazam and more.

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