Nathan Fillion Online
Your first and ultimate online resource for talented actor, Nathan Fillion.

* note: this post is stuck to the top, so all updates will be below this post. *

2015-01-16 15.23.53

Hi everyone!

I decided to announce the 2015 birthday project for Nathan by Nathan Fillion Online today because it’s the 27th which means… Nathan’s birthday is in 4 months! The reason why I’m posting this up so early is because of the project details – you’ll see shortly below!

So if you’re here visiting the site or follow us on twitter/instagram, (thank you very much!) but that mainly that would imply you’re a fan of Nathan Fillion – correct? Therefore, you should definitely take part in this birthday project! After the past month of planning, I finally fine-tuned the details and got a general outline of how I would like this to flow and I’ll try my best to explain it below.

UPDATE: Every person who participates will have a chance to enter into a draw of a “Nathan Fillion GiveStar Card”. Givestar is a charity campaign creating cards of your favourite celebrity to say a message to the person receiving the gift, and I will be giving one of the cards to a lucky participant of the birthday project. The draw will be conducted at the end of this birthday project to give everyone a fair chance and should be approximately the middle of march 2015 latest. So what are you waiting for? Participate in our project for Nathan and enter to win a card with Nathan’s voiced message for you today!

The birthday project is going to take the form as a scrapbook BUT it is not your typical scrapbook with messages, fan-art, etc. This time, I wanted to make it different so I changed a few things here and there.


  1. YOUR postcard(s) from YOUR country
  2. A picture YOU took from your city/country that you believe best represents the place
  3. Short scribbly extra messages

My goal is to create a collection of postcards and birthday messages from Nathan’s fans all around the world. He’ll be able to see all the beautiful places and your reasoning to why it’s special and perhaps he’ll visit 😉 Since we do know he likes to travel during the hiatus!


  • You’re to send me a postcard from your country that contains the following:

Name: Sandi L.(Twitter handle here if you’d like)

From: Toronto, Canada

Birthday message goes here –

What you love about your city/country:
– write what you believe makes your city/country special and why-

  • A photo that you took from where you reside. (It’s meant to be special and from fans, so I prefer if you do NOT want you to take a stock image from google….)
  • A one line message of why you like Nathan or what you like about him, etc etc. Try to keep it short and sweet because I’ll be writing this down and including it into the album.


Now for the rules and restrictions so everyone’s got a clearer idea of how it should be done! Colour coded for the three different submissions 🙂


  1. Postcards are to be 3×5 inches or 5×7 inches – whichever size they come from your place. The main restriction is that they CAN NOT EXCEED 6×8 inches!!
  2. The postcards should be from where you’re currently living.. BUT since I figured many people might be travelling to another place during the christmas/new years holidays – you could send in one of those from wherever you’re travelling to and believe it’s worthy to be included.
  3. Make sure to fit everything on the postcard from the example above. So your message about what’s special about your city/country should not be overflowing, etc.
  4. Please try to keep your handwriting on the postcard legible because you wouldn’t want chicken scratch writing for Nathan to guess!
  5. Try to leave a bit of space between the messages and text on the postcard with the edges because I will need to hole punch one of the sides, depending which one works best and I’d hate if your writing would be cut off a bit.
  6. Photo that you took should be representing what you love or think is special about where you’re living.
  7. Photo requirements are quite simple, please try to keep it within high quality – it doesn’t have to be a professional photo but please no blurry pics!
  8. You can filter, edit, etc your photo if you’d wish to make it prettier!
  9. Photo sizes should be just like the postcard, UNDER 6×8 inches. As well, if you would be able to print the photo out as 4×6 or a 3×4, it would be greatly appreciated and a lot better!!
  10. You can send in more than 1 photo if you’d wish – no limit on those! But please try to make it the smaller size (as stated above) so I can add in a lot more 😉
  11. One line messages are exactly what they are… ONE LINE! Therefore, try to keep it short and sweet so I can write it out and include it into the book (:



Please help spread the word of the birthday project to other Nathan fans. I don’t care whether you only like Nathan because of his role in firefly, serenity, dr. horrible, waitress, castle, etc. This is a joint project and every person who loves nathan should participate for his special day. So if you can, please do spread the word on social media, to your friends, family and strangers if needed!



I think that should be all for now. If anyone needs more information, please don’t hesitate to email or tweet us – I’ll receive either one!

email: nathanfilliononline[@]icloud[.]com
twitter: @nfilliononline 



The most important part… if you’re participating – please send me an email so I will email you with my mailing address (instead of posting it up here for everyone)! Then you’ll know where to send your postcard, photo and one line message.



The tentative deadline is February 27th so I will be able to have a day or two to put it all together, finalize it and prepare it for shipping! I’m really hoping it will arrive and Nathan will receive it before his birthday aka better be early than late!

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