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Fear not, Browncoats and others fond of Nathan Fillion! One of the reigning kings of the Con has confirmed that he will be in attendance at the San Diego Comic-Con this July.

The admission that the actor would be heading to SDCC in the summer of 2013 came up in an interview with Collider. After spending precious seconds talking about his many film roles this summer — Fillion has roles in “Monsters University,” “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” and “Much Ado About Nothing” — he mentions all-too-briefly that Comic-Con is in the cards.

Despite Fillion’s impressive list of current, Con-friendly films and his ongoing role as the lead on “Castle,” those may not be the reason for his trip to San Diego. Instead, Fillion reveals simply that he will be attending the Nerd Machine event. This side project, founded by former “Chuck” star Zachary Levi as a sort of miniature Con-outside-the-real-Con, tends to focus on actor panels from cult shows.

Can we expect another “Firefly” reunion to happen? That may be the case.

In other SDCC news, Fillion revealed how a fan might meet him out on the floor: Sell letter openers shaped like light sabers. He wants one. [SOURCE]

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