Nathan Fillion Online
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he hit ABC drama Castle has become one of the network’s most popular television series. Returning for its third season, things are definitely strained between mystery writer Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and his muse, NYPD Detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic).

During Season 2, Castle and Beckett’s relationship grew stronger and, by the finale, the two were forced to confront their feelings for each other, but neither had the nerve to actually tell the other. So, when Castle left to finish writing his second Nikki Heat novel, Beckett was left wondering if he would ever return to the precinct. Castle is back for Season 3, but he will soon find out that not calling to let Beckett know is going to have him in a very unfortunate predicament.

In a recent interview, actor Nathan Fillion talked about shaking things up for Season 3, how being an actor is like living out his own personal fantasy and that he will always be grateful for the chance that Joss Whedon gave him to be a leading man. Check out what he had to say after the jump:

Question: What can you say about Season 3 of Castle?

Nathan: This year, we’re going to shake it up a little bit. There will be a little departure. We’re breaking the mold and we’re going to solve some murders. Then, we’re going to solve a couple more. The first season, Castle really blew it with Beckett, and then managed to mend some fences. In the second season, Beckett blew it. It was too little, too late. We now have two people who we know should be together and we want to be together, and they both know they want to be together, but now they’re with other people.

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